Kneading isn’t just a contented purring, it’s also a surprisingly complex behavior that can differ in style from cat to cat. Here, we take a look at why cats do what they do when they get down to business.
If you’ve ever owned a cat, chances are you’ve noticed that they love to knead. Some people think it’s because cats are marking their territory, but the real reason has to do with their physiology and behavior. In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why cats knead and what it means for their health. So if you’re curious about this quirky feline behavior, read on!
Your cat may appear to be in the throes of a deep pre-bedtime massage when kneading you. But your cat is actually expressing her feelings of contentment and affection for you through this relaxing activity. So nuzzle up to your pet if she seems happy and relaxed, or if she’s acting stressed and kneading on you.

Why Cats Knead Blankets and Other Soft Objects?
There are a couple of reasons why cats knead blankets and other soft objects. One reason is that they are marking their territory. When they press their paws into the fabric, they are leaving behind scent markers that claim the area as their own.
Another reason is that kneading helps them relax. The rhythmic motion and pressure seem to have a calming effect on cats, much like how humans might enjoy a massage. Cats also enjoy the warmth and comfort of a cozy blanket, and will often curl up on one to take a nap.
Kneading is thought to be an instinctive behavior that dates back to when cat ancestors were wild felines who needed to keep their claws sharp for hunting and self-defense.
Though we might not fully understand the motivations behind this feline behavior, it is clear that kneading is a natural instinct for cats. We needn’t worry about our kitty’s health if they knead, but we can likely expect that it will continue to be a source of fascination and enjoyment.
Why do cats knead their owners?
There are a few theories as to why cats knead their owners. One theory is that they are trying to mark their territory by using the scent glands in their paws. Another theory is that they are showing more affection or trying to get attention. It has also been suggested that cats do this behavior to relax or relieve stress.
Whatever the reason, it seems that most cats enjoy kneading their humans and it can often be a sign of a contented and happy kitty!
Why do cats knead blankets before lying down?
There are a couple of theories as to why cats knead blankets before lying down. One theory is that they are marking their territory. Another theory is that they are trying to get comfortable by creating a soft surface for themselves to lie on.
What are cats saying when they knead?
Cats knead for a variety of reasons, including to show affection, to mark their territory, or to show that they’re happy. When cats knead with their paw pads against your skin, they’re actually leaving behind their scent, which is why some people believe that cats knead to claim their owners as their own. Regardless of the reason behind it, though, when your cat starts kneading you it’s generally a sign that they feel comfortable and content in your presence.