Practical information

Common iPhone Problems and How to Fix Them Yourself

2 Mins read

iPhone problems can be frustrating, but there are also simple solutions to fix them without needing to take your phone into a professional repair shop.

One of the simplest solutions is to simply restart your phone. This can solve many issues, from a poor Wi-Fi connection to battery drain and misbehaving apps.

1. Your Battery Doesn’t Last Long

Apple’s iPhone is not without its issues – from a battery that doesn’t last long to buttons that won’t function. Fortunately, there are some straightforward fixes available that can help resolve these problems for good.

Common iPhone Problems and How to Fix Them Yourself

If your iPhone’s battery drains rapidly, first determine which apps are using up most of its energy. You can do this by going to Settings > Battery and checking the Battery Usage feature.

You could try uninstalling some of those apps to see if that helps resolve the problem. If that doesn’t solve it, you might need to replace your battery.

2. Your Buttons Aren’t Working

Your iPhone volume buttons may stop working for a variety of reasons. Some are software bugs or minor hardware issues; others are caused by dirt and poorly designed cases that obstruct the buttons.

Common iPhone Problems and How to Fix Them Yourself

If you’re having difficulty changing the volume on your iPhone, try these quick fixes to see if they can restore its functionality.

You may be able to fix the Home button on your iPhone using one of these tricks. While this won’t work for everyone, it can give you some extra functionality while waiting.

If the Home button on a touchscreen-equipped iPhone isn’t functioning properly, Apple has an accessibility solution called AssistiveTouch built into iOS. This enables you to use the physical buttons on your phone for many tasks such as activating Siri, taking screenshots and unlocking it.

Common iPhone Problems and How to Fix Them Yourself

3. Your Phone Shuts Off

When it comes to iPhones, there are a lot of common issues that arise. Fortunately, most of them can be resolved on your own.

One of the most prevalent issues is a phone that keeps shutting off randomly. This could be due to either hardware or software issues, but either way it’s frustrating.

A simple solution to this issue is to restart your iPhone. To do this, hold down both the power and volume up buttons simultaneously and select “restart” from the dropdown menu that appears onscreen.

Common iPhone Problems and How to Fix Them Yourself

Another solution is to ensure your iPhone has adequate battery life. Try deleting apps that use up a lot of energy and check storage by going to Settings > General and seeing which applications take up most space.

4. Your Screen Is Cracked

Dropping your phone can be a scary moment, as the glass could shatter and leave you with an unfixable crack on the screen. Thankfully, there are some simple solutions to fix this problem yourself without needing to spend money at Apple Store prices.

First, use a bright light to inspect the crack carefully. If there are any dust particles or debris that won’t move, your screen is cracked.

However, if the cracks are extensive or your screen has started to lose functionality, professional assistance should be sought. Additionally, backing up your device before performing repairs is a wise idea.

5. Your Wi-Fi Isn’t Working

No matter which iPhone model you own, being without Wi-Fi can be a real pain. It makes it impossible to do everything from updating iOS to downloading large files.

Fortunately, there are some easy solutions you can try to resolve your Wi-Fi problems on iPhone.

First and foremost, restart your iPhone. Doing this will clear out any unnecessary files stored on the phone and enable it to connect back to your network.

If that doesn’t solve the issue, then you may need to inspect your router for issues. You could try power cycling it or updating its firmware to see if that resolves things.

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