Do you have a kitten that is growing like a weed? You may be wondering at what age cats are considered fully grown. In this blog post, we will share with you the average size of a cat at different ages and when they reach their full size. We hope this information is helpful for you and your kitty!
Some cats will not reach full maturity until they are 3 to 4 years old. Fully grown doesn’t necessarily mean fully mature and the period of growth doesn’t stop simply because your cat is fully grown. The average length of a cat’s life cycle is 24 – 26 years, and cats live longer when healthy and well cared for.
Have you ever wondered how long it takes your cat to grow up? You can tell your cat is fully grown because their facial features will become more rounded, instead of the pointed ones they had as a youngster. However, this isn’t just a matter of looks; it’s also the sign of your cat becoming an adult.

When Do Kittens Stop Growing?
Kittens typically stop growing when they reach between 6 and 12 months old. There are some variations based on breed, but this is a general guideline.
During their growth phase, kittens need plenty of good nutrition in order to reach their full potential. It’s important to provide them with a diet that is high in protein and fat, and that includes plenty of fresh water.
As they approach adulthood, it’s also important to begin transitioning them to a diet that is more appropriate for an adult cat. This means fewer carbs and more meat-based protein. The transition period can be a bit tricky since kittens are so used to eating a lot of carbs, but it’s important to make the switch gradually so as not to upset the stomach of your kitten.
When Should I Feed My Kitten Adult Cat Food?
Many kitten foods are high in calories and nutrients to support the rapid growth of kittens. However, by 12 months old most cats have reached adult size and no longer need this extra boost. If you continue to feed your cat a kitten food formula past 12 months, they may become overweight. Some veterinarians recommend switching to an adult diet as early as 8-9 months old if your cat is such a healthy weight that they are close to or at their adult ideal weight.
If you are unsure whether your cat is at their ideal weight, ask your veterinarian for help determining if it’s time to switch to an adult food.
What’s the most surprising part? According to the study, it’s that cat growth stops earlier than people have been previously led to believe. Until now, the belief was that cats don’t stop growing until they reach 7 years old. That lack of information has led many parents to fear that their beloved kitten will suddenly “sprout” into a giant cat overnight. So if you’re looking for when your cat is fully grown, it would appear that at 14 months old is about as close as you can get.
Are Cats Fully Grown FAQ
Can you tell how big a cat will get?
While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, you can make some generalizations about the average size of cats based on their breed. For example, Maine Coons are typically the largest breed of domestic cat, with males averaging around 16 pounds and females averaging around 12 pounds. Siamese cats, on the other hand, are typically much smaller, with males averaging only 6-8 pounds and females averaging 4-6 pounds.
Can you tell how big a cat will get?
That said, there is always a degree of variability within a breed and your cat’s final size will depend on a number of factors including diet and overall health. So if you’re concerned about your cat’s size, it’s always best to consult with your veterinarian.
If you’ve got a cute and funny little kitten, you might be curious how big they’ll grow. Instead of guessing your cat’s adult weight or measuring them yourself (remember, don’t do that), there IS a handy rule for estimating your cat’s adult weight. You can expect that figure will be right around your cat’s adult weight. It’s not exact, but it’s a good estimate.
How do I know when my cat is full-grown?
Cats are not just small dogs in a fur coat. A full-grown cat is bigger than you might think, weighing 12 to 14 pounds on average. Whether your cat’s weight finally stabilizes after a growth spurt or your “baby” sits at 12 to 14 pounds from the get-go, there may come a time when you wonder if your cat is fully grown ̶ or if he will eventually reach the size of his large feline cousins.